Sunday, April 28, 2013

Season 2, Episode 20: "The Evil Queen"

"I was the queen"-Regina
I actually really liked this one. It had some good stuff going on. Its really nice setup for the rest of the season, I think. I actually am sort of in a rush so forgive this review if it sucks. 

This was a really awesome segment. I was really, really happy with it. 
Rumple was looking very Skin Deep, and I really liked that. I especially enjoyed the return of his red vest ensemble. 
Regina and Snow were really cool here. I think it's funny that they are incredibly similar and are very capable of getting along, yet allow petty hatred of one another to cloud their judgement. I think that they are very capable of getting along and clearly the writers were agreeing with me. 

Okay, this part was a little rough but whatever. 
Emma and Henry pretty great in this. I really liked their whole dynamic. They were definitely my favorite part of this. Especially Henry being a little Swanfire shipper.
Neal obviously still loves Emma and should just admit it.  
Regina wasn't really doing much in SB besides talking about this reset button which sounds like a terrible idea. Although going back to FTL sounds like a horrible plan also so I don't really know how to feel at this point. 
I really don't understand the point of Hook at all. He has done nothing but wander around making sex jokes all season. And now he's teaming up with Tamara and Greg who both really anger me. I really wish they would go away because having them on the show is just dumb IMO. 
We saw Maleficent! She was looking real rough though. 
Snow and Charming didn't do anything except cry over beans. 

-Do ya'll think it would be a good idea for everyone to go back to the enchanted forest?
-Does anyone else think the whole Tamara/Greg scandal is totally stupid?
-What do you think of all this "reset button" shenanigans?
-What did you guys think of the promo for next week?

Okay so, that was a really crappy review for a really good episode. You guys can save me with your comments. Anyway, thanks for reading, I love you guys. If you have any questions or whatever then hit me up on twitter @OUAFanBlog. Stay magical and I'll see you guys next week!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Season 2, Episode 19: "Lacey"

"You're not who I thought you were. . .and I'm glad"-Lacey/Belle

So, this episode was actually really great. I loved it, even though it was so dumb at some points. I don't know. . .I guess it was just because I was having a really bad week and this episode just really helped with that. It seems like everyone is pretty happy with this one though, and with good reason. 
Alright, so I'm just going to say this right now: What is the point of Robin Hood? Because he actually did absolutely nothing to contribute to the show. I mean, the promos were like: A NEW HERO WILL EMERGE! But he didn't even do anything! He just stole a wand and then healed some chick (probably Maid Marian) who we may or may not see again. We didn't even see him in Storybrooke! I'm just confused, and I'm sick of the promos being misleading. 
On a happier note, Rumpelstiltskin and Belle were so great in this episode. I liked that it showed a much different side to them in FTL than we saw in "Skin Deep". I didn't really like it better, but I still liked it and I was happy that we got it. It was also kind of interesting to see that there was a point in time when they were neither friends nor lovers, and that was really cool. Plus the parallels between this and what happened in SB were hilarious and great. 
I'm just going to start with Tamara and Greg because I hate them so much.   I honestly do not think their existence is necessary and I made that pretty clear on my tumblr. I really hope we can be done with them because the show is perfectly fine without meaningless conflicts like this. 
Hook in that trailer thingy was hilarious. I'm sorry, but I laughed so hard. 
I liked seeing Anton. He's cool, and I liked how buddy-buddy he was with Emma. 
Emma and Neal just need to figure this thing out. Clearly they both love Henry and it looks like they also love each other. The issue is Tamara, which is stupid, and again, meaningless conflict. 
Do Snow and Charming want to go back or not? I feel like this is always on the cusp of being resolved but then never is. 
Regina was her lovely, evil self tonight and that was awesome. I love it when she's like this, and I think it's great that we are seeing the character that we originally fell in love with in season 1. 
And now for the biggie: Lacey (and Gold). Personally, I like Lacey. I think she's funny and clever, she's just a little bit lost and doesn't know what exactly to do with herself. I was really intrigued by her and I'm curious as to what she's going to offer Mr. Gold in the future. I think that their relationship is going to be really interesting to explore (especially since I've just gotten word that next weeks episode is written by the one and only Jane Espenson). 

-The dream at the beginning was so freaky, but I'm glad that they brought up the whole "Henry is Rumple's undoing" thing because I thought we'd dropped that. 
-Do you think Lacey will eventually remember that she's Belle?
-How about Greg's dad? I mean, "Welcome to Storybrooke" was probably my favorite episode this season, so I think we should further that storyline. 
-The Rumple/Charming bromance is the best thing on the show. I was laughing through that whole segment. 
-What do you think happened to that wand Robin Hood stole?
-What do you think will happen to Hook now?
-Do you think Neal or someone else will catch on to Greg and Tamara's shenanigans? 
-Why is Tamara calling Owen Greg? Doesn't she know who he is?
-What is the point of Robin Hood?
-Do you think they should go back to FTL? 

That's all I've got! Stay magical, I'll see ya'll next week! And remember, no more breaks for this season! Yay! If you all have questions or want to discuss some more, leave a comment or hit me up on twitter @OUAFanBlog